Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Epistemology continued

But I don`t know how to get to You!!!
That day in the summer of 1986 when I screamed those words out the window of my car,is the day my epistemology began to change.
The scream was in response to a conversation initiated by God Himself.
It was 1430 hrs, I was driving to work along the Nasa Causeway,and all of a sudden there was this acute awareness of the presence of God that totally overwhelmed every fiber of my being.
It shook me to the core of my soul and I couldn`t stop weeping.
I heard Him say; I will never leave you.At the hearing of those few words, with my fist clenched in the air, and looking up into the clouds,I screamed;BUT I DON`T KNOW HOW TO GET TO YOU!!! He simply said,call Peggy.Peggy is the cousin of a friend of mine and a christian.
Evidently she was going to help me understand what just happened to me.
Two things I already understood.God is absolutely real and He absolutely speaks to us.

Websters definition of epistemology is "the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge with reference to it`s limits and validity.
A friend of mine simply stated it this way".It is what you believe and why you believe it".
The environment and culture we live in influences the way we think and live.
What happened to me is; God took me out of the environment He calls darkness that I was exhisting in, and brought me into an environment of light, which I now live in.
He breathed the breath of life into my nostrils and I became a living being.
A living being with a billion questions, and a thirst for the truth. The truth about who He is, and who we are in relation to Him and to each other.
I pray He helps us all find it.


Paul Perryman said...

Great story and experience. Very powerful and life changing.

g-mama said...

Wow, I love that story about your life Cappy. I am moved and feel the realness dripping from it.

Chicagobro said...

cappy, i have a question for you. you were fortunate enough to have a specific experience in which you were acutely aware of god. what if someone never has such an experience? if you had never such an experience, do you think you would have the same epistemology?

cappy said...

God is the potter we are the clay.If He chooses to give new life to one of his creatures in the womb or on the highway,that is his decision.
We are not told we have to know when it happend.In my case I do.
We are told to examine ourselves and make sure it has happened.
If I hadn`t had the experience we wouldn`t even be discussing it.

Paul Perryman said...
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