Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Epistemology part 3

Still overwhelmed by my experience, I made the call to Peggy.
"WOW! It doesn`t usually happen that way.What doesn`t happen that way?
Getting saved. Usually you go forward at church during an altar call."
An altar call?,going forward at church?,getting saved?.What did all that mean?
God just said to me, He was never going to leave me, and I told Him I didn`t know how to get to Him.I needed to know how and I was ready to hear it.She was going to point me in the right direction.
"Billy, you have to find a church over by where you live that teaches from the Bible"

Little did I understand that He had been drawing me to Himself for a long time.
I can now look back and see all the plowing that had taken place in my life.I can see the faces of the people He used to not only plow and remove the stones and thorns;I can see the faces of the planters, and those that watered until that day when He finally gave the increase and I sprouted forth with new life.A new life that had to be nurtured.I needed nutrition like a new baby who needs it`s mothers milk.I needed to grow and become strong so I could one day eat meat.
God my father knows that, and He was going to put me in a place so He could start feeding me.
He was going to put me in a place where I would grow, and start to understand things about Him
and myself, and you, and where I live, and where you live.My understanding was to be theocentric.He was going to begin to give me a world view as seen through His eyes.He was going to teach me that mankind didn`t just pen words about him.He was going to teach me that the words are from Him, and He used His creatures to pen them,and that is why they have the power to change my life and nourish my soul.

1 comment:

Paul Perryman said...

You said that you are going to have a view of the world as seen through His eyes, by this I am assuming you mean God's eyes, and that these eyes are the Bible.

In establishing your worldview, how much of an impact do you accept the world-by world, I mean your knowledge, your experiences with others, your exposure to others' knowledge and experiences, your exposure to protestant church culture, your secular culture, and your exposure to Roman Catholic church culture-has had on how you view the world through God's eyes or the Bible?