Saturday, December 9, 2006


"Billy, you were born a catholic and you will die a catholic" Mom,no I won`t."I`m going to go get your father".
I knew I was in trouble.Not really wanting to,I had just crossed the plain and picked a fight.William Wallace had a sword and was riding a horse.I had nothing.No sword, and no armour.
I was a brand new protestant and didn`t even know what I was protesting about.I did know that the whole Vatican was about to come crashing down on me and I wasn`t going to run.I was going to stand there and be burned at the stake.
My father was a warrior in every sense of the word.With the same zeal he went after the Japanese in world war two,the North Koreans in the Korean war,and viet cong in the Vietnam war,He pursued an understanding of his Roman Catholic faith. I deeply respected him for what he held to.
That was the faith and the environment my parents brought us up in and I just challenged it.
What in the world made me cross the plain and challenge hundreds and hundreds of years of my fathers religion?
It`s simple.My epistemology changed. Explaining it won`t be so simple.I only had a twelth grade education. I`m going to have to rely on Webster and twenty years at the University Of Life, and what I`ve managed to glean there since the day I emerged from Rome.
I pray I can do it with great respect for my fathers faith, and for the beliefs of any who contribute to this Blog.


Paul Perryman said...


You have done a wonderful thing and expressed or communicated the context from which you write. This may be a great idea for us all to consider as part of our first blog or next blog for those who have already posted. Thanks for putting yourself out there. I can't wait for the next contribution. I am working on a blog titled truth which has proved to be very challenging thus far. I think I might need to publish it in multiple parts.

g-mama said...

Hey Cappy, thanks for sharing part of yourself. I'm encouraged by this 'blog' (why do we call it a blog anyways? such a weird word).

I like that we're all going to the depths to see what's inside.

Chicagobro said...

blog comes from a shortening of the word "weblog" take away the "we" and you get "blog"

yoder dude said...


Don't worry about Webster, man. Your words are laid out quite eloquently as they are. I think Paul is right in asking us all to give a little context for understanding sake. And, since you've given yours, I thank you. The complexity of the soil in which you sprouted seems quite powerful to me. I especially tuned to your choice of the word "Warrior". Just speaking or thinking the word evokes power. I'm looking forward to hearing more!