Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Never a Better Time

I realized today that the time we find ourselves in as we enter--what feels to some prematurely, I am sure--into the next presidential election can be a wonderful experiment in stating or giving form to our beliefs about political issues and candidates in a safe environment from which we can learn about different perspectives. The temptation will be to become frustrated with others but I exhort you to have confidence in this process. I believe that elections bring out the worst in many people as we tend to talk about what we dislike or don't agree with as opposed to focusing on what is it we believe and are excited about. Be excited please. Let's have fun with this since we already know ahead of time that we will not all be on the same page.


Sue Perryman said...

I agree with you that it would be fun to have fun with this subject but i am sceptical as to if that can happen. Let's give it a try, though!

g-mama said...

i so much struggle with this issue. i am so excited about barack obama running for president. at the same time i am in a dilema about feeling guilty for wanting to support him.

i've grown up in the christian church - i am a christian- where it's expected that you vote for the rebulican candidate because they will be conservative, pro-life, and against gay marraige.

what about the other moral issues that face us as christains - poverty, the death penalty, the environment, social justice, war.

after reading barack's book i was so hopeful about him running as a candidate because he lays down the issues and explains that they are not easy. i feel like he undestands both points of view.

i've asked other christians who i know will or have voted for democratic candidates that are not pro-life how they deal with that desicion. i've heard varied answers that maybe i can share later ( i need more time to write it all down). i would love to hear any readers comments!

but for some people, something else may be a bigger issue - like war. what about all the innocent men, women and children being killed as a result of war. where does Jesus message of turn the other cheek, or love your enemy come into play. or what about the death penalty. where does God's message of grace come into the picture on that policy.

so - many thoughts about this issue, i just can't write fast enough. maybe i can write more later.

i would LOVE to have some dialog on this issue!!!!!!!!