Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chris Hedges on Sam Harris' view of Religion

This full "debate" can be be seen on You Tube in 9 parts. This footage is of part 3, I believe. The debate represents someone not of Faith (Sam Harris) defending the idea that religion (i.e. Faith) really plays no beneficial role and its extinctions would do no harm. The other person (Hedges) a man of Faith and Religion (but in the vaguest sense possible, I would say) defends the existence of Faith in our world. I personally found it nice to see an intelligent person like Hedges trying to ground Harris in the real world (an impossible task). I don't know he was given ample time to argue his points or perhaps he was just more succinct in his choice of words. I do understand Harris' frustration with Faith. I don't know, though, that he can reconcile it with what is happening on the ground in our world. I sense a cognitive dissonance about his beliefs especially when he claims that these topics keep him awake at night. I personally feel his dissonance is related to the fact that as much as he hates dogma, he is, in a way, promoting a potentially harmful dogma himself. I will add that these debates because of the vastness of the topic have a very difficult time staying on topic.

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