Monday, January 29, 2007

In my beginning - part 4

I read the book. I read it again. I read it again. It led me to read some other relevant books, by people, such as Hugh Ross, Michael Behe, Lee Strobel, Steven J Gould, Charles Darwin, Creation Research Institute, etc.

The big question I first had to tackle, turned out to be a false one. I think it is a question that many Christians are faced with. It is a question that--in my mind--is unfair and prevents many Christians from being able to travel down the road I have traveled. This question is, "Do I believe literally in the Bible's creation story--the core of pretty all that I claim to be--or do I accept the knowledge as understood by modern day scientists describing how life has come to be what it is today?" This is an impossible question because its answer requires a fatal outcome either way.

Outcome 1: Keep my faith and beliefs. Accept the Genesis account as the end-all-be-all description of how Earth was created. Ignore what feels like a logical, realistic description of how life and geology have functioned over time.

Outcome 2: Reject my faith and beliefs. Accept what feels like a logical, realistic description of how life and geology have functioned over time. Reject the "creation account" as described in the Bible as a scientific account or explanation of how life and geology have dunctioned over time.

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