Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Positive Prospects Part 1

Here I go on this little journey. I don't know what the format will look like but I am willing to take that risk.

Trying to go as far back as possible in my memory to remember positive experiences I end up in kindergarten. Sitting in the little chairs at the little tables, my sister was tutoring me about something. The content with which I was being helped I do not remember but the advice, I remember well. Now Paul...when using an eraser (on the end of a pencil) be sure to use the side of the eraser and to switch sides so that the eraser wears evenly over time. That may not be the exact conversation but that was the gist of it. Now this may not seem profound to the passerby, but to a little five year old this was priceless wisdom. Someone much older than I (8 years is a big difference as a child) was sharing their wisdom from experience with me. I remember that moment vividly.

Sticking to the positive influence by my sister, I do recall another time later on, I can't remember how old I was but definitely not older than 12, at the First Baptist Church of Clarendon Hills back when we still lived in Downers Grove, IL. I don't remember exactly how this topic came up but I remember being up near the front of the church on the piano side (stage right) of the orange-carpeted sanctuary. My sister was telling me-in reference to one of my peers who shall remain nameless-that although she may not be the most beautful girl she was the type of girl you could marry. Within the week I had established that this girl was my new girlfriend, but it didn't last long and luckily she and her family moved shortly thereafter (I wonder if that had anything to do with me?). This was an important experience since this is the first time, I suppose, when looking at women (or girls) that I considered a girl more than simply what meets the eye. I am sure at this point my sister would be horrified at some of the details with which I am remembering my past.

1 comment:

Sue Perryman said...

Really loved this story. I don't remember anything of this. But...I always taught Kelley and you guys that the person who may not look like the best may make the best wife. All of you married beautiful people, beautiful inside and out!