Saturday, April 19, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

My hope is, in the near future, to revive, to resurrect, if you will, this once breathing organism of a site. I am not sure what the nature of the content will be, but I am confident that the focus will not be solely on the topic of religion, although I am sure it will come up from time to time. I hope to write about other people which I have read in an attempt to revisit my views about the world. The rules of the website will be the same and religious expository is welcome. I will say though, that I will no longer be writing from the perspective of a believer in God. That is not to say that I have solidified myself as an atheist or agnostic (although this is closest to where I stand now) but it is to say my perspective will be different than in the past. I hope that you will comment and post in the future.

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