Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just to Clear a Few Things Up

I have invited quite a few people to view this blog and I am not sure where it will go, to be honest. I welcome all and hope that many fruitful discussions or posts will be generated. My hope is that this blog will propagate the use of reason to look at how we live our lives and what we choose to guide our lives. For many reason seems sterile and boring, possibly useless, but I can't say that I agree. If you are new to the blog you may wish to look at the past blogs just to give context, but I don't believe it is absolutely necessary.

I started this blog over a year and a half ago. The blog was pretty intense to begin with and within a few months I declared a moratorium and closed access while I adjusted to my forming self. My last blog in April of 2007, which declared the moratorium, declared that I had not reached any form as of yet as the caterpillar in its cocoon. Well, I am not a butterfly as of yet but I am pretty close. Many may be confused by my past posts, but know that now I am much different than in the past as can be seen by my attempt at describing myself in the sidebar.

I do encourage you, however, to peruse through my posts from last year as they capture the movement of a person from a moderate religious world view (I know some of you hate that word) to a world view that is very much less focused on the necessity of an existing God as a guiding force in this life.

My hope for this website is that we use reason as the starting premise for discussions. If you want to include less rational discussions or popular figures as centerpieces for discussion this is fine but please be sure to explain what the point is. If you find yourself to be one who finds less value in rational thought, well, then I suppose you can still post, but I don't, frankly, see the point of discussing something that is not arguable.

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