Tuesday, November 28, 2006

"Write" on!


Deep thanks for this invitation into an important conversation. I'm reading a Brian McClaren book called The Secret Message of Christ. It is helping me solidify the more liquid nature, if that's possible :-), of Jesus' message about his kingdom, here, now. This is good timing for me! Since you have included a goal or mission statement with which this blog shall operate, I'll make a bit of a reflection on it that includes what I hope about this now documented conversation.

To all members, my declaration of ownership in My Process:

Participation in this blog is a good step to take in that we will see the words and ideas we are thinking, that we are vulnerable and hopeful in our offering them to this community, and that it presupposes that we understand this citizenship in God's kingdom, here and now, is dynamic, alive, growing and changing. And, beware, I'm sure that means we are asked to be and do the same! As Paul said, it cans the idea that we have arrived, or ever can arrive, at some point after which we are comfortable, certain, and closed for discussion. By contributing here, I own that I am not waiting until I am "ready" to engage questions but, rather, nervous and excited about what I might learn about myself, and myself as a kingdom citizen, and what that means to my relationship with all of you, my family, and others, who may not acknowledge Christ or the kingdom he proclaims. May we all discover more of the mystery of Christ's call to us as his creation redeemed, here, now. I'm truly looking forward to it!

1 comment:

Paul Perryman said...

Bradley, welcome. I am excited that you are on board. I think this can take on many forms so we will see what surprises we get. If you want someone to be part of this blog let me know why you think they should be added and I will consider giving permission for contribution to this blog.